For more than 30 years, TEAC has developed products for every segment of the sound and music industry. From the high-end audio professional in a major post-production studio to the novice or hobbyist at home, TEAC is everywhere. We are a company committed to providing our customers audio/video solutions that enable breakthroughs by using sound in ways that are as exciting as they are accessible. In short, we provide tools that let people translate their creativity into reality.
After virtually creating the home recording scene during the early 1970s, TEAC went on to achieve recognition for pioneering products in the professional recording arena as well. Our legacy of product development and innovation is reflected in the sheer number of industry firsts we've achieved, including:
- the first 1/2-inch, 4-track cassette recorder
- the first 8-track, reel-to-reel/mixer combo
- the first R-DAT recorder
- the first MiniDisc digital multitracker and CD scratcher
Looking Forward
As TEAC enters its fourth decade in the music industry, we plan to make our future closely mirror our history. It's about dedication. We will continue our commitment to provide our long time customers with the technology they need to Make It Happen, and we will seek to build trust with new loyal followers, too. Our collective ear will be kept to the ground so we can discover what musicians and industry professionals need - and then we'll bring it to them. That's the TEAC way.